End of January 2013 with St. Francis, George Harrison, and Monet

  This little one-room Creek house has turned out to be surprisingly comfortable during our coldest hours.  We turn on a couple of the stove's gas burners for a brief five minutes, and the small space of air warms above sweater-weather.  And the many windows quickly give us sunlight enough to feel comfortable for the hours after about eight-thirty or so when the sun can be seen rising over the ridge opposite the Creek.

Maybe the image of an Enlightened Soul
Appearing as an Epiphany at the door?

Time to start seeds in flats and  other containers

Viewing north across the little weir.
   And for kicks...
The discharge of water flowing past a weir can be summarized as 
  • Q is flow rate
  • C is a constant for structure
  • L is the width of the crest
  • H is the height of head of water over the crest
  • n varies with structure (e.g. 3/2 for horizontal weir, 5/2 for v-notch weir)
Reflections that look an awful lot like a Monet painting to me

Don't they?