April 2013: Whistling Ducks, Cold Waters, Rabbitfoot Grass, Arboreal Cacti, Artichokes, Monet, and More

Not a true duck, this noisy black-bellied whistling duck (Dendrocygna autumnalis) and its mate have been staying close by the Creek for most of the month.

We've had several cold mornings recently, with stern ice on the windshield and roof of the pickup this morning (April 20).  But the sunshine along the waters has been beautiful. Even if the quality of the video isn't:

Rabbitfoot Grass in Morning Light


One of the lessons of the Tao is that some things just should not be commented upon.  Words fail us.  And that's all I will say about a rain lily in April.

Note the small red dot on the main limb in the upper center of this image.
This fine live oak below the boulders of Whitman's Rough hosts mosses, lichens, ferns, and at least two species of cactus.

Under the roof of our back porch, a pair of eastern phoebes have built a nest and hatched out several young.

 And we've gotten back in the bee business.

Leaves of a recently planted bald cypress in our backyard
More Monet scenes (water penny-wort in the Creek)
April 19, 2013

Rainy Days

We've had two days of rain since the previous post.  One day we didn't get enough to register in the bottom of the crusty rain gauge.  The other day we received three and a half inches of storm-rain with hail mixed in.

This carp and three more spent their time circling the small pool until
the muddy waters removed them.  Others will be seen in their place soon.
We can never get too attached to the Creek's fish.