Towards the End of August (2013)

Evening coming to the Pond where we heard the distress calls
of at least three turkeys in the woods on our side of the waters.

Eventually the turkeys flew across the waters to thicker
woods and then up high in the cedar elms.

Morning on the east deck.

Inside the new screened-in porch.

Just morning light riding in to the Oak.

Close-up of drying algae on a creek stone.

Brought home from France.

Quarterly Statement: May, June, July 2013

Before an unidentified source robbed the artichoke plants
of their thistley lives, we enjoyed what we didn't think was possible here.


Occasionally this solitary roadrunner ventures into the Stonefield.

Switchgrass (Panicum virgatum) like we've not seen it yet.

Rio Grande Cichlids (Cichlasoma cyanoguttatum), we still think.
One source says the white head appears only when the fish are spawning.
Right or not, these two were guarding half a gazillion fry.

After deer ate a dozen or more chili poblano plants in the garden,
we planted these four in protected pots up on the deck. They, too, were
eaten by agile deer about three weeks after this photo was taken.

Just water.

The velvet ant (Mutillidae), sometimes called a cow killer.
The 3000 species of Mutillidae are actually wingless wasps.

The three most recent additions to the farm.
(Barbados lamb meat is lean and sweet.)
