2015 May to June

May 29, 2015 Floodwaters 

And by June 2nd, the waters were still fast, but clear again.

And with all the rains (wettest May on record), we've been able to enjoy all sorts of mushrooms and fungi.
Perhaps some Amber Jelly (Exidia recisa) on an old walnut log.

Lemon Yellow Lepiota (Leucocoprinus Birnbaumii) up next to the house.

Growing beneath the Big Oak.

Sex among three black and yellow mud daubers (Sceliphron caementarium).
None of this sort of excitement has anything to do with flooding creeks.
Hang on.

After our Big Rains, the harvester ants in the video below appeared about six feet away from their old nest entrance at this new entrance. The ants go back and forth between the two entrances now:

Trumpet creeper blossom on the vines in the hens' yard. 

The century plant caught some dew this morning.

Newest of the several small gardens around the place. June 2.